Transport & Access

This is one of the most crucial elements of the proposed development. It is essential that we invest in new infrastructure and public transport provision to ensure that the transport network can cope with the impact of the proposed development.

We have undertaken extensive traffic modelling to inform how traffic will flow and where existing roads can provide enough capacity and where investment in upgrades is needed.

The predicted number of external vehicle movements arising from the development during the morning peak period for both employment and residential journeys is 1,043 arrivals onto the site and 1,465 departures from the site.

Of these, 50 per cent will go into and out via Meridian Way, 24 per cent via Leicester Lane and 23 per cent via Beggar’s Lane north and 3 per cent via Beggar’s Lane south.

The models assume new links across the motorways are provided and these will take the majority of the new traffic movements.

A series of improvements to local junctions, the realignment of Beggars Lane and a new roundabout on Leicester Lane are required which will improve the current traffic flows and pinch points, providing capacity for new vehicles.

By delivering a mixed use site, with access to facilities such as healthcare, schools, shops and jobs, we are also able to reduce the need to travel.

We will also invest heavily in a new, comprehensive public transport scheme, which will incorporate Real Time Information on the strategic routes. This will be a high quality service, with covered waiting areas with regular quality buses. This will include the creation of a dedicated fast bus service connecting directly into Leicester City Centre within 20 minutes, to make public transport easier to use. This service will connect to the A47 and benefit from the existing bus lanes along the A47.

The development creates new links between the A47, Lubbesthorpe Way and Leicester Lane which not only provide access for the development but will also deliver alternative routes for existing traffic travelling between these points.

To view the Transport Assessment which was issued with the planning application please click here.