Public Consultation Event

Following initial consultation with the local district and county authorities, as well as other statutory bodies including English Heritage, the Highways Agency, the Environment Agency and Natural England, an indicative master plan has been prepared by the consultant team for public consultation.

We are keen to hear your views on the proposals and understand issues from the perspective of those who live locally so that we can take these into account as we develop our plans.

Four public exhibitions were held and this website launched to enable residents to review the proposals. The consultation boards and subsequent brochure can be viewed by clicking the links.

We have considered the views expressed at the exhibitions and via the website and either carried our further technical work or amended the Master Plan. The tables below explain how we have taken your views into account.

Deliver a bypass to Enderby A link over the M69 for vehicles as well as pedestrians and cyclists will deliver significant benefits. The potential link between Warrens and Leicester Lane requires land that is currently owned and operated by a third party. We will therefore design the link to allow a connection at a later date.
Widen Beggar’s Lane reduce speed limit and install traffic calming measures Two points of access are proposed off Beggar’s Lane in the north and south. Beggar’s Lane will then become a secondary route and the new road will be the primary route. Speed limits will be assessed with the Highways Authority.
New solutions are needed to tackle traffic on A47 The impacts of the development on the A47 Hinckley Road are being assessed carefully. Measures to reduce congestion and ensure the route runs smoothly at peak and non-peak times are being assessed with the Highways Authority.
What will the M1 bridge look like? The bridge link across the M1 is being designed to minimise any potential impacts. We will use land in our ownership at Thorpe Astley to minimise the visual impact on the bridge and approach routes. The proposals do not breach standards for noise or air quality. It is sited at the area where it cuts in to minimise visual impact.
The bridge over the M1 should be delivered in the first phase As a result of the feedback from the consultation, the potential to deliver the M1 crossing as part of the first phase of development is now being considered with the planning authority.
Bus only access must be enforced on Baines Lane Baines Lane already has restricted access. The proposals provide bus, cycle and pedestrian access only using an automated bus gate.
Need better access onto A47 from Kings Drive, Forest House Lane and Stafford Lea We are looking at the possibility of co-ordinating the phasing of traffic signals, introducing new traffic signals and exit boxes.
Noise from the M1 is an issue A noise bund will be developed alongside the M1 including a 6m high earth embankment and fence, which will be planted with a native woodland mix. The corridor will be between 60m and 100m deep along most of the length of the development.
How many buses will be provided every hour? A high quality, 20 minute interval bus service is proposed, running into the city centre. As the development is built out it is likely that subject to the use of the bus the frequency will increase.
Will not have a negative impact on the proposed solutions for M1/M69 The proposals for the M1/M69 link and M1 widening have been taken into account.
Leicester Lane is not safe for pedestrians/cyclists, can you incorporate solutions? Yes, we control land which would allow a separate footpath and cycleway to be constructed either alongside Leicester Lane or through Enderby Park parallel to Leicester Lane.
We want a larger green wedge to the north of the site A green wedge of approximately 80 – 200 metres deep is included to the north of the site to maintain the identity of the existing settlement at Leicester Forest East. We have strengthened and extended the planting within Old Warren Park which includes additional screen planting to the existing housing on the edge of Leicester Forest East and parkland planting within the park itself. Following consultation, we are incorporating a far greater provision of woodland to enhance its quality and function.
How will we deal with pollution issues? There is an Air Quality Management Area associated with poor existing air quality on the M1 motorway (this affects an area of the A47). We will include a report regarding air quality in the application. This has concluded that in general, air quality standards are set to improve as emissions from cars are more strictly regulated. Over the life of the development the air quality at this location will be considerably better than it is now.
How will this scheme impact on health? The proposals are all within the standards and thresholds determined for noise and air pollution.

Schemes of this nature do not generally impact on the health of the existing community. Indeed the provision of new homes, facilities and extensive parks, improvement in bio-diversity, schools and local health facilities can lead to improvements in the health of the community as a whole.
Need to keep the identity of the villages and not allow them to be absorbed by Leicester The proposals have been planned carefully to ensure the existing identity of the neighbouring settlements is maintained, clear areas of separation are provided and extensive open space is provided.
We want to keep views of fields 40 per cent of the site will form the green infrastructure framework for the development. This includes extensive areas of public open space connected by green corridors as well as seeking to deliver views over the proposed parklands.
We want solutions to flooding on Watergate Lane and we do not want the site to cause further flooding issues The proposed development will not add to the quantities of water within the local network of brooks and streams, as runoff levels will be regulated to existing run-off rates through swales and balancing ponds within the scheme. We are also offering land to the Environment Agency to allow them to undertake an improvement scheme adjacent to Watergate Lane.
Schools and other facilities need to be delivered earlier We are reviewing the phasing to ensure that the transport infrastructure is delivered at the appropriate time. ’In addition, shops and the first primary school are all planned within phase one of the development. The secondary school will be provided, when it has sufficient numbers to be viable in agreement with the Local Education Authority.
We want extra care and bungalows as part of the scheme The proposed mix of housing allows for the provision of specialist housing such as extra-care homes, and we propose bungalows and other accessible housing.
We want homes with large gardens The proposals will provide a range of housing including homes with large gardens.
How will you guarantee the facilities will be delivered? This will be the subject of a legal agreement between the landowners, the developers and the local planning authority. The applicants will be required to deliver specific facilities at specific stages of the scheme. This will be agreed before planning permission is given and the applicant will have to adhere to this.

The development will be phased and the release of phases will be regulated by the planning authority. This depends on provision of facilities and/or achievement of standards, such as the provision of public transport.
We want pubs and leisure facilities The district and local centres will provide a range of facilities which could include pubs, restaurants and cafes. The district centre will include for a large community meeting place which can include leisure facilities such as a sports hall and gym. The local centres and school may also provide leisure, health and fitness facilities for the community.
We want shops as part of the scheme The district centre and local centres will provide shops. The district centre will include a supermarket as well as several smaller shop units. The local centres will provide a local convenience store. These have been designed to be accessible to existing as well as future residents.
We do/don’t want affordable housing There is a need for affordable housing for local people. The proposals suggest up to 30 per cent of the housing should be affordable in line with policy requirements. This will include sale, shared ownership and rented so local people can enter the housing market. It will be ‘pepper-potted’ throughout the scheme and will be indistinguishable from the normal market sale housing.
Why develop here? This scheme, with housing required to meet needs over the next 15 years, is proposed in one location so that it can deliver the funds required to mitigate the impact and provide comprehensive new infrastructure including a new secondary school, two primary schools, shops, health centre, community facilities, parks and transport provision. In addition, the site is near to the existing urban area (where most people are likely to work) which makes it far more sustainable than spreading the growth around the district.

The planning application documents can be viewed here.

We would welcome your views, please complete a comment form by clicking here.