Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the developers?

Award winning Midlands based Davidsons developments specialises in delivering homes that offer style, efficiency, sustainability and quality.

Barratt David Wilson has an enviable reputation as a top UK housebuilder, delivering high quality, well designed schemes around the country.

The company has a proven track record over the last 25 years of delivering large strategic sites including some in the East Midlands. The company was awarded two design awards for its high quality house design and unique and sympathetic approach to the rural setting, incorporating features such as a village green whilst enhancing existing hedgerows, trees and grassed open spaces at its scheme in Anstey.

HLM specialises in delivering land, planning, promotion and high quality development.

How many homes will be delivered?

The site has capacity for up to 4,250 homes, including first time buyer, affordable, family and retirement homes to create a mixed community. We are seeking to deliver a high quality and distinctive development.

Will all of the homes be delivered at once?

No. Separate phases of development would be undertaken to minimise disruption. Within the first five years of any development in the region of 1000 homes would be delivered. It is unlikely any development would happen before 2014 and it would be a 15 year delivery plan.

Why is this amount of housing proposed?

The East Midlands has a housing shortage and studies have shown that Leicester and Leicestershire Housing Market Area needs to deliver more than 80,000 new properties by 2026 to meet demand and to ensure that the country is able to deliver future economic growth and provide homes for everyone. Blaby needs to deliver almost 8,000 properties to ensure that sufficient homes are provided for an increasing number of households. Nationally, household sizes are falling which increases the need for housing.

Why do we need new homes when existing houses are not selling?

Economically whilst the housing market is still struggling the need for new homes is not diminishing. The national shortage of homes threatens the economy with the average house now costing more than seven times average income levels. If more homes are not provided then this gap will continue to grow; this scheme is planning for the future needs.

Why develop here?

This area is identified by the authorities as the Principal Urban Area (PUA) for Leicester. Blaby District Council has evaluated a number of alternative sites and has identified the Lubbesthorpe location as being the most suitable for meeting housing requirements in the area.

By concentrating development in one location, this enables the comprehensive transport and infrastructure investments, and facilities such as schools, healthcare, shops, jobs and amenities needed to create a distinct, quality community. In addition, the PUA is closest to where most people will work so, in sustainability terms, new homes here will reduce the need to travel.

Further information is available: by calling or emailing .